Again, the involvement of peacekeepers is being discussed as an element of establishing the desired peace.

It would be good if not for the previous experience and the specifics of this issue, which sooner or later will manifest in the details, and which experts know well, but ordinary citizens are not very aware of.

Peacekeeping is a very broad concept... If we simplify it, it can involve peacekeeping, peacemaking, and peacebuilding...

In the case of Russian aggression, only peace enforcement – FORCING PEACE – applies.

Otherwise, this will be an absolutely artificially "forced" story under conditions where the mechanisms to counter the aggressor do not work. Ukraine will be put on the same level as the country that has violated all existing international norms and rules!

Peacekeeping is effective NOT BEFORE, but only AFTER the establishment of peace.

With Mirages, Tauruses, and Tomahawks, with the involvement of an international coalition of forces and the appropriate contingent for the defense of the country that is suffering from an unlawful attack…

It is precisely the FORCING OF PEACE – the only way to return this very peace. And no other way! That's exactly what is written in the UN Charter!

And only then – peacekeeping, peacemaking, peacebuilding…

Not the other way around!

Don't put the cart before the horse!
