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Дмитрий Фионик

Дмитрий Фионик

Дмитрий Фионик

Head of LIGA.net big stories editorial office. Area of ​​interest: social issues, macroeconomics, religion, crime, etc. Graduated from Shevchenko Kyiv State University, majoring in sociology.

In journalism since 1997. Until 2003, he worked in the weekly "Business": correspondent, parliamentary correspondent, department editor. From 2004 to February 2012, deputy editor-in-chief of the weekly "Contrakts" (former name - "Halytskyi Сontrakts"). Since 2013, an editor and journalist in the magazine "Focus": head of the "Economy" department, later - "Velika tema".

Collaborated with the publications: "Kyiv Information", "Dzerkalo Tyzhnia", "Status", "Esquire Ukraine", Texty.org, Zaborona, etc. For the past ten years, he has been developing a direction that can be called the journalism of impressions - artistic reports, literary portraits, essays.

Since December 2019, a journalist and one of the editors of LIGA.net. Since 2020, the head of the editorial office of "Extremely high-quality content" (the editorial office of big stories).

Laureate of several all-Ukrainian competitions, in particular, Text-2014, Text-2015, Honor of the profession-2015, Novomedia Awards, etc.

Contacts [email protected]