Thomas Friedman, a three-time Pulitzer Prize winner – that is, a ‘guru’ of journalism – is one of the ‘opinion leaders’ in the Democratic camp. Reading his latest New York Times piece, one can imagine reading the thoughts of Messer Sullivan, Kirby or Biden.

The main point is formulated verbatim: "If he [Putin] wins, the Russian people lose. But if he loses and his successor is disorder, the whole world loses."

The conclusion is obvious: Of course, it would be better if the ‘Russian people’ lost (no mention of the ‘Ukrainian people’, by the way) than the ‘whole world’. In other words, Mr Putin’s victory and the preservation of his regime are presented as the lesser evil; the alternative is disorder with a bunch of new uncontrolled regimes and parts of Russia’s nuclear arsenal in the hands of numerous ‘Prigozhins’ and ‘Kadyrovs’.

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