March 2021. The Ukrainian authorities practically blocked the operation of Glusco gas stations (they still reportedly belong to Rosneft) and the supply of diesel fuel to Rosneft (about 50% of the market was imported by the so-called "Medvedchuk oil pipeline"). Unexpectedly, it was Socar that took hold of the network and the contract with Rosneft for the supply of diesel.

Later, due to intrigues in the Azerbaijani political elite, the state company was removed from the gas stations, and private Azerbaijani businesses were introduced there. The contract for the supply of Russian diesel fuel also went to private Azerbaijani traders controlled by Azerbaijani officials (like any big business in this country).

These Azerbaijani traders, in particular Coral Energy, owe Ukrainian counterparties a lot of money from 2022. During 2022-2023, this office was an active trader of Russian oil and oil products, which is why allegedly company management is advised against travelling to some countries.

Summer of 2021. The representative of the government of Azerbaijan is absent at the Crimea Platform summit.

2021-2023. In fact, with the support of the Russian Federation, Azerbaijan is retaking Nagorno-Karabakh.

Fall of 2023. The STAR refinery in Turkiye signs an agreement with Lukoil for the supply of oil.

Summer of 2024. Azerbaijan is not represented at the Peace Summit organized by Ukraine. This is the only country in the region that refrained from participating in this event.

During 2022-2024, Azerbaijan refrains from military support to Ukraine, the subsidiary company Socar Ukraine implements only local humanitarian projects. (I once wrote how 27 tons of fuel were handed over to our rescuers by Ilham Aliyev's decree).

The company never once used the word "war" in its press releases.

But due to active PR on a lot of small projects, Azerbaijan and Socar managed to look like friends of Ukraine for a long time.